www.waterfilters.net Pro Rust Out softener rust remover chemically removes iron and rust build-up that coats the resin beds and fouls the softener. This iron build-up is not totally removed during normal regeneration of a water softener. Using Rust Out in the water softener will eliminate rust and foreign matter from the resin bed which will increase the life of the water softener and reduces surface staining on household fixtures. Use the RO12N Rust Out softener rust remover regularly as preventative maintenance to ensure softening and recharging efficiency of the softener's resin bed. Ro12N Rust Out works on dishwashers, dishes, glassware, white clothes or fabrics and water softeners. Pro Rust Out changes rust and iron into a clear solution that easily rinses away and does not contain harsh or abrasive chemicals that damage fiberglass, porcelain or acrylic finishes. Pro Rust Out Iron Remover can also be used to clean tough rust stains from toilets, sinks, tubs, white clothes and exterior surfaces.Aquaman is a Water Quality Association Certified Water Specialist. His training and experience have given him a deep understanding of water chemistry and water purification equipment. This enables him to provide scientifically accurate information that you can trust!
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